A movie evening is coming up soon at the Morrin Centre in Quebec City: a presentation of The Blinding Sea on Monday, May 15th starting at 6:30 pm, followed by a discussion. This is a very exciting venue, since Quebec is the city where I now live.
Here is a link to the event: https://www.morrin.org/en/event/visionnement-de-the-blinding-sea/
Here is a link to Eventbrite, where you can buy tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/screening-of-the-blinding-sea-with-george-tombs-tickets-628775603757
The Morrin Centre is a nationally recognized heritage site and leading English-language cultural centre located in the heart of historic Old Quebec City. It is managed by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (LHSQ). Founded in 1824, the LHSQ is the oldest existing learned society in Canada. Its history is linked to the intellectual development of Quebec and Canada.
During the discussion after the screening, I will also mention some of my other work, such as the award-winning satirical coming-of-age novel An Almost Impossible Story, recounting the life of a young Quebec anglophone in a dysfunctional family, who dreams of becoming an author and finding true love: https://www.evidentia.net/evidentia/an-almost-impossible-story/
By the way, I derived the pencil sketch of the Morrin Centre at the top of this blog from a photo by Dylan Page, which I use with his permission.