I love the expression “out of the blue.” This expression reminds some people of extraordinarily good luck falling out of the sky. At the top of this blog, I put a photo I took yesterday of the sky as reflected on the silk blue top of my VW Jetta. Even so, “out of the blue” is for me like a surge of water lobbed up from the depths of the sea to the surface … a bulge of rough, unpredictable creative energy thrust upwards from the unconscious.
Rilke said, “A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it.”
I mention this because the marketing of my film The Blinding Sea is surging ahead. This gives me a chance to think about something other than my ongoing translations for the Universities of Toronto and British Columbia.
Anyway, I am in the middle of nowhere with my wife, enjoying the fauna and flora of the Eastern Townships.