Evidentia Channel™ introduces you, a worldwide audience, to my creative works in English and French – my original books, my literary translations into English of classical French and Italian books, and my films. On this site, you will find short descriptions of these works as well as images, sample book chapters, mp3 excerpts from the audio-book versions, ISBN numbers, film music and film trailers. You will also find links to Amazon and other distributors so you can order copies of these works, and in some cases, stream them.
Why Evidentia? The Latin noun evidentia means “evidence; distinctness of language; proof; the quality or state of being transparent.”
“Evidentia” is a value I uphold. It requires venturing forth, in search of the best and most accurate evidence. For example in the photos above and below I went to Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, in order to research my forthcoming feature film and creative non-fiction book The Blinding Sea. (Above, I am inside an igloo. Below, I am outside the same igloo in the blazing sunlight of April.) This value of “Evidentia” also requires using language and evidence with rigour and honesty. My novel Mind the Gap, which you will find on the Evidentia Originals™ sub-page, has a lot to do with evidence, although as a work of fiction it is naturally written from a different perspective.
Why Evidentia Channel™? Through this website, I am inviting you to join me for an immersive experience – a fusion of sound, music, voice, text, photography and high-definition video.
So, am I hoping to reinvent the book? Well, stay tuned!
And by the way, drop me a line when you have a chance!
Best, George Tombs
(Please note this Evidentia website will not host e-commerce functions, nor will it collect and store confidential information about you.)